Slovenian sawmill investment on track

Slovenian sawmill investment on track

Intervju z Alexom Brownliejem, BSW Timber: Gradnja žage na Gomilskem teče v okviru časovnice

In an interview for the STA Slovenian Press Agency, Alex Brownlie, Chairman of the BSW SI Board of Directors, spoke about the progress of the investment into a Slovenian wood processing centre. BSW Timber expects to have all permits for the construction of a €41m facility in Gomilsko in the coming months and to launch production in 2020 as scheduled.

Izvršni direktor za komercialo v BSW Timber Alex Brownlie je v pogovoru z Martino Gojšek za STA zatrdil, da ostajajo pri prvotni časovnici in da se postopek gradnje ne zamika. Potrebna dovoljenja za gradnjo pričakuje v naslednjih mesecih.

9 Oct 2018

BSW confident of creating STEM opportunities in Slovenia

BSW confident of creating STEM opportunities in Slovenia

Inženirski kadri so vrednota v vseh valutah

BSW was approached by the the Let's Be Engineers! initiative to discuss the company´s  promotion of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) to young people. In the interview for IRT3000 magazine, Alex Brownlie, Chairman of the BSW.SI Board of Directors, explained that the company wants to bring new people with fresh ideas into the sector.

Z vstopom na slovenski trg je podjetju BSW.SI, pristopila iniciativa Inženirke in inženirji bomo!, ki skrbi za promocijo znanosti, tehnologije in tehnike podjetij ter mladim predstavlja karierne priložnosti in spodbuja nadgrajevanje inženirskega znanja s poslovnim.

9 Oct 2018

BSW SI sponsors popular chainsaw competition

BSW SI sponsors popular chainsaw competition

BSW SI podporniki priljubljenega tekmovanja z motornimi žagami

BSW recently sponsored a chainsaw competition in Cirkovce which brought together forest owners from the Saša region and the surrounding area.

BSW je nedavno sponzoriral tekmovanje z motornimi žagami v Cirkovcih, ki je združilo lastnike gozdov iz Šaleške doline in okolice.

9 Oct 2018

BSW acquires Alvic Plastics Limited

BSW acquires Alvic Plastics Limited

BSW Group, the UK’s leading integrated forestry and timber company, has acquired Alvic Plastics Limited into its company group following a long-standing relationship with the organisation.

17 Aug 2018

International Youth Day: BSW's graduate and apprenticeship opportunities

International Youth Day: BSW's graduate and apprenticeship opportunities

12th August marks International Youth Day, a global awareness day initiated by the UN General Assembly in 1999. It serves as an annual celebration of the role of young women and men as essential partners in change.

11 Aug 2018

BSW infrastructure agreement signed

BSW infrastructure agreement signed

On 26th July 2018, the agreement between the Municipality of Braslovce and Ministry of Infrastructure of Slovenia was signed. It lays foundations for the direct road connection to the BSW SI Gomilsko production facilities in the Municipality of Braslovce.

30 Jul 2018

10 questions with... Tony Lockey

10 questions with... Tony Lockey

Although based in Carlisle, Tony Lockey spends most of his time in various BSW mills helping to manage the learning and developing needs of the business. Tony is the Group Learning and Development Manager responsible for the training requirements of BSW's 1,300 employees.

19 Jun 2018

BSW announces €40m investment plans for Slovenian sawmill

BSW announces €40m investment plans for Slovenian sawmill

BSW Timber, the UK’s leading integrated forestry and timber company, has announced its latest investment of €40m in Slovenia, constructing a new sawmill, CHP plant and pellet manufacturing facility which will see the creation of 170 new jobs.

22 May 2018

What is the International Day of Forests?

What is the International Day of Forests?

Today is the International Day of Forests, a day to raise awareness of the importance of all types of woodlands and trees, and celebrate the ways in which they sustain and protect us.

21 Mar 2018

BSW promotes STEM opportunties at Inverness College career day

BSW promotes STEM opportunties at Inverness College career day

As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week, BSW recently attended Inverness College for a career day aimed at promoting the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) industries and apprentice opportunities across the company.

16 Mar 2018

BSW Timber Group Member of Binderholz